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Autos archive for Jan. 2009

THURSDAY, JAN. 29, 2009

The Homer

The world is full of back seat drivers of nearly every orientation. As Detroit flounders about searching for a way to meet the obvious needs of American drivers (low cost, high mileage cars) taking the time to criticize their apparent ineptitude is both fun and…

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TUESDAY, JAN. 27, 2009

Dear Mr. President, where's my car?

Dear Mr. President, I would like a people’s car and I could have used it yesterday. Please excuse the edgy reference, but in 1933 Hitler asked Ferdinand Porsche to build a “Volks-Wagen”, a car for the people. Porsche answered with what would become the Volkswagen…

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FRIDAY, JAN. 23, 2009

Super cop car for 2012

By 2012 it’s likely American cops could be patrolling the streets in a real life version of David Hassellhoff’s crushingly 80’s Night Rider car, KITT, minus the pretentious attitude and quip comments. It’s called the E-7. Designed by Carbon Motors with over 100 features specifically…

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14, 2009

MONDAY, JAN. 12, 2009

Aurora Avenue, Part 1

This week, I’m infected with an intrepid disease. It has me thinking it’s a good idea to do something I swore I 'd never do again: Return to explore the used car capitol of Western Washington and the culture it has managed to cultivate over…

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TUESDAY, JAN. 6, 2009

Marijuana and Driving

Marijuana. What does it mean to you? For the cool kids out there, it probably arouses questions such as: Who’s got it? How much do I have left? And, Do they know? Sure, most people with their heads moving freely outside of their ass cheeks…

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Jan. 2009
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