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A year in the fields: Corn

After thousands of years’ cultivation as a staple foodsource, the development of corn – and, for Americans in particular, sweetcorn – has gone into overdrive with the modernization and industrialization of farming. In Washington State, one of the top three producers of sweetcorn in the country, those trends will continue to shape local agriculture, and the livelihoods of those who practice it.

Washington corn a ‘hardy crop’ that fills the gaps between potatoes and wheat

| By Eli Francovich

Corn is harvested on Tuesday, July 25, 2017, in Moses Lake, Wash. (Tyler Tjomsland / The Spokesman-Review)
Corn is harvested on Tuesday, July 25, 2017, in Moses Lake, Wash. (Tyler Tjomsland / The Spokesman-Review)

Washington isn’t known for corn. But it should be.

Other crops, like apples, wheat and potatoes, dominate the state’s industry, yet a drive through the irrigated heart of Washington reveals a farming landscape dotted with cornfields.

Unlike the corn grown in Iowa, Illinois, South Dakota and Minnesota, for example, Washington corn is a rotation crop – a useful planting in years the soil needs a break from potatoes or wheat.

In 2016, Washington farmers harvested about 93,000 acres of sweet corn and roughly 200,000 acres of field corn.

Washington, California, Florida, New York and Georgia grow the most sweet corn. Across all 50 states there are 28,000 farms growing sweet corn.

Russ Kehl, a farmer near Quincy, called sweet corn “low-risk” and consistent. He doesn’t make much money off corn, but he doesn’t lose money, either.

“I can put a budget line on sweet corn and I can hit it nine out of 10 times,” he said.

An added benefit is that food processing companies – in Kehl’s case, it’s the National Frozen Food Corp. – harvest the crop. That saves Kehl time and equipment costs and allows him to invest and focus on his cash crop, potatoes. The processors also choose what variety of corn the farmer plants.

“Sweet corn is a very good rotation for the growers down here,” said Kevin Moe, a seed representative with Syngenta, an international seed agrochemical business.

National Frozen Foods has a plant in Moses Lake. That plant harvests corn in roughly a 20-mile radius around the plant, said Gary Ash, the plant manager.

“Corn is a pretty hardy crop. You rarely have a crop failure,” Ash said. “Here in the Columbia Basin corn does really well. It’s like growing in a greenhouse.”

National Frozen Foods chooses the variety of corn to plant and harvests the corn. That’s because they’re engaged in a complicated game of musical chairs.

When corn is harvested is vital to how it tastes. If it’s harvested too soon, it won’t be tender and the taste won’t be fully developed. Conversely, if it’s harvested too late it will be too soft and won’t store well.

In Washington, sweet corn harvest starts in the middle of July in the south of the Columbia Basin area. Harvest ends in the middle of October, Ash said. The picked corn goes to one of the three National Frozen Foods plants – in Moses Lake, Quincy and Chehalis.

National Frozen Foods, and others, have to time the corn harvest down to the week. With different microclimates throughout the basin, this takes a coordinated effort.

During the peak harvesting times, National Frozen Foods picks about 300 acres a day, Ash said.

About 15 percent of National Frozen Foods’ total production is exported, much of that going to Japan. Because there is no Washington state corn commodity commission, exactly how much Washington corn is sent overseas isn’t clear.

Washington’s key sweet corn counties are Adams, Benton, Franklin and Grant.

The making of super sweet corn: An American farm story

| By Eli Francovich

Kevin Moe, a Syngenta Seed rep, holds an ear of sweet corn on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017, at one of the company's test sites near Pasco, Wash. (Tyler Tjomsland / The Spokesman-Review)
Kevin Moe, a Syngenta Seed rep, holds an ear of sweet corn on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017, at one of the company's test sites near Pasco, Wash. (Tyler Tjomsland / The Spokesman-Review)

QUINCY, Wash. – Russ Kehl tears an ear of corn from a field of thousands, shucks it and takes an enthusiastic bite.

It’s part theater. He’s acting for two journalists standing in his field outside of Quincy. But as he chews he examines the corn cob, and the acting stops.

Kehl is struck by the perfectness of this randomly picked ear of corn.

Even eaten raw, it’s sweet. Each kernel perfectly formed. No signs of pest or disease. A uniform size with a tapering point. Built to factory specifications.

“This is good. Really good corn,” Kehl said. “Honestly, this is really good.”

It’s no accident that the corn is so good.

The story of corn – sweet and field alike – is the story of modern agriculture. As humans have exerted increasing control over nature, we’ve manipulated the taste, texture and look of food. Bitter tastes are masked, or bred out. Sweeter vegetable variations are intentionally bred. More tender corn is grown. Per-acre yields increase.

During the last century sweet corn has been carefully bred for taste, size and uniformity. Modern super sweet varieties, which are planted throughout the Columbia Basin as a rotation crop, can be as much as 40 percent sugar.

In fact, traditional sweet corn, which was the norm just a generation ago, tastes downright bland in comparison. Those changes are only accelerating, driven in part by Americans’ sweet tooth and in part by the demands of large food processors.

Corn, a food staple for thousands of years, illustrates these rapid changes and highlights the often-conflicting interests of taste, health and the competitive, sometimes cutthroat business of large-scale agriculture.

“What they used to call in the old days ‘Golden Jubilee’ was the best thing you could ever imagine,” said Rick Ness, a third-generation farmer near Moses Lake. “And nowadays it’s just a plain old corn.”

Like most farmers, Ness plants sweeter and sweeter corn each year.

“The market is just headed that way,” he said. “You know, you adapt to the market, or you lose.”

Sweeter, softer, faster

For a number of genetic and economic reasons, corn has led the charge of changing fruits and vegetables.

Genetically, corn is a “highly variable species” and one that is “relatively easy to manipulate,” said Bill Tracy, an agronomy professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

“In the last 50 to 60 years now, I guess, sweet corn has really dramatically changed,” Tracy said. “If you look at the plants you wouldn’t think they are very different but if you bit the ears you’d find them to be quite different.”

Super sweet corn was only developed about 70 years ago. In the early 1950s, a University of Illinois botany professor named John Laughnan discovered that a certain gene in corn stored less starch but held four to 10 times more sugar. He wrote a paper based on his discovery and tried to market it.

Initially, the corn industry had little interest in Laughnan’s discovery, Tracy said. Food processors considered it a “disruptive technology.” But the new variety took off in Japan, historically one of the U.S. corn industry’s biggest buyers. From there it slowly spread back to the United States.

Because the corn is sweeter, processors don’t have to add sugar, which saves them money. And sweet corn stays fresh longer.

“Super sweets became very important in the processing industry,” Tracy said. “It’s because you don’t have to add the sugar. Traditional corn you added sugar to the cans because it really wasn’t very sweet.”

In addition to changing the taste of corn, researchers have learned to breed for uniform size and texture. Food processors require farmers to meet exacting specifications. Those specifications allow large plants to process the corn quickly and efficiently.

At National Frozen Food Corp.’s 60-acre processing facility near Moses Lake, efficiency is the name of the game. Inside the cavernous processing plant machines rattle away in a cacophony of mechanization, all working toward a single goal: preparing corn.

In the cavernous facility conveyor belts shunt corn from the trucks where they’re unloaded through a cleaning and husking machine. From there cobs go to be either cut into kernels or packaged as full frozen cobs.

During peak harvest time the plant can process between 6 and 7 million pounds of corn a day, said Gary Ash, general manager of the plant. On average an ear of corn weighs 1 pound, he said.

That corn will be blanched (a process where the corn is scalded for 90 seconds in boiling water and then plunged into cold water) and then flash-frozen. The cobbed corn, or individual pieces of corn, are packed into 1,500-pound totes and sold wholesale.

And while the machines are fast and efficient, they aren’t intelligent. Corn that doesn’t meet the factory’s specific size requirements will slow or jam the machines, potentially costing the company and the farmer money.

“Time is money just like any other industry,” said Kevin Moe, a seed representative with Syngenta, an international seed agrochemical business. “We’re not making widgets but we try our best to punch out widgets.”

The widget factory

In a dusty, torn-up field about 15 minutes east of the Tri-Cities, scientists, farmers and manufactures are hoping to breed the newest variety of corn.

Several acres of corn test varieties rustle in the October wind. Crammed into an acre plot are about 200 varieties of super sweet corn. These varieties are being field-tested. Eventually one, or maybe two, will be approved by Syngenta to be grown in larger quantities.

“We’re searching for that one variety out of hundreds, if not thousands, that will make it to commercial scale,” Moe said.

The different varieties of corn used to be individually named – Early Sunglow, Sundance and Buttergold, for example.

Now, new varieties get a 10-digit number. As they advance through the various field tests, they’ll lose numbers. The ones that make it to full production will be labeled with just four digits.

Moe walks through the field randomly selecting and shucking cobs of corn, snapping them in two and examining their different attributes.

Some have larger, thicker kernels. On others perfectly straight lines of kernels run up and down the cob.

“Just take a bite of that,” Moe said, gesturing toward a plump, golden cob of corn. “It’s just pure candy how sweet it is.”

That cob is a descendent of the super sweets developed in the 1950s. About a mile away is another patch of test corn. This is the traditional sweet corn. Compared to the new, super sweet varieties that corn is bland and tasteless.

Moe believes that what is happening with corn – the sweeter taste, higher yields and more factory-friendly specifications – is what needs to happen to all commercially grown vegetables and fruits.

“If we can provide the same amount of food, or more food, on the same acres … everybody in the world is better off,” Moe said.

With decreasing amounts of viable farmland, increasing water scarcity and a growing world population, food supplies will be of the utmost importance, he said.

But there are downsides to the kind of drastic human manipulation that defines the corn industry and increasingly modern agriculture.

“Modern plant breeding has focused on yields almost to the exclusion of anything else,” said Jed Fahey, a professor of medicine and public health at Johns Hopkins University. “To the extent that it has focused on taste, sweetness and sugar have been what they’ve focused on.”

More produce but less nutritious

That single-minded focus on crop yields has reduced the nutrients of modern fruits and vegetables, said Donald Davis, a retired professor from the University of Texas, Austin.

In 2004, Davis published a landmark study that indicated that fruits and vegetables were losing nutritional value as farming increasingly focused on yields.

Davis examined 43 vegetables and fruits. He compared the reported nutritional values of those crops from 1950 with the tested nutritional value of the same crops in 1999. In the study, he compared the crops individually and as a group in an effort to get an overall average.

Davis said he believes the “dominant cause” for reduced nutritional value is increased yields. Simply put, if a plant grows faster and larger it doesn’t have time to absorb the same amounts of nutrients as a slower, smaller plant. The plant’s nutritional value is “diluted,” Davis said.

“They are looking for yield. They are looking for uniformity,” Davis said of modern crop breeders. “But when you do that, you may lose other things.”

As a child, Davis remembers buying broccoli at the store. Back then you could only buy small, bunched broccoli.

Since then breeders have figured out ways to increase the head size. But, as broccoli head size increases, the plant’s stems become hollow and “ugly,” Davis said. Now, many large-headed broccoli sold at the store come with their stems removed.

“The larger the head, the lower mineral concentration,” Davis said.

Since Davis’ 2004 study, other studies have found similar results. Increased yields lead to decreased nutrients. And, while the yields increase the flavor of many vegetables decreases, studies have found.

“In general, the flavor of veggies have gone down over the years,” Davis said. “Tomatoes are a pretty good example.”

As tomatoes have gotten larger and sturdier, their flavor has decreased. This year scientists discovered some of the genes that control a tomato’s taste. They hope to breed the flavor back into tomatoes while keeping the desirable size and durability.

And in the crops where flavor has increased, such as sweet corn, it tends to increase in narrow taste bands. Fruits and vegetables become sweeter.

“As far as of this breeding for sweetness, I think this is because Americans have a sweet tooth,” Davis said.

In addition to reduced nutrients, carefully bred vegetables and fruit appear to lack another important element: a type of chemical linked to cancer prevention and the avoidance of other chronic diseases that plague Americans.

Reducing diversity

Jed Fahey worked in the biotechnology industry for 15 years. There he tried to improve plants’ disease resistance through breeding and genetic manipulation. However, the shifting priorities of the biotechnology industry bothered him. So he quit.

“I got tired of it, frankly, and I came to Hopkins seeing that I might be able to realize my altruistic interest in feeding the world,” he said. “In feeding the world better.”

That’s where he started researching a type of chemicals known as phytochemicals. Now, at Johns Hopkins University, Fahey is the director of the Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Chemoprotection Center. There Fahey researches how nutrition can protect humans from chronic and degenerative diseases.

As part of that research Fahey studies phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are a type of chemical produced in plants that wards off pests and diseases. When eaten they often taste bitter.

And they are linked to the prevention of cancer and other chronic diseases.

Research is conflicted on just how important these chemicals are. Unlike basic nutrients, phytochemicals are not required for human health, Fahey said. But they do have health benefits.

“The protective mechanism that phytochemicals induce in many people are real and important,” Fahey said.

And, just like the basic nutrients, modern agricultural breeding practices are slowly reducing the phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables.

“Indeed, the low amounts of bitter plant compounds in the current diet largely reflect the achievements of the agricultural and food industries,” stated a review of literature published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. “The debittering of plant foods has long been a major sensory concern for food science.”

Humans are able to detect minute traces of bitterness in food. It’s an evolved skill, one used to avoid eating poisoned or rotten foods. The food industry has developed numerous ways to either mask or remove these flavors.

“Through both the breeding selection for yield, and the intensive use of pesticides, phytochemical content has gone down,” Fahey said.

Although Fahey is a phytochemical evangelist, at the end of the day his primary concern is much simpler: Humans should eat a varied diet, one rich in nutritious vegetables.

And that, he said, is the true downside of modern, scaled agriculture. The diversity normally present in an acre of corn, for instance, is being methodically replaced with carefully engineered, factory-ready widgets.

Better for everyone

Bill Tracy, the agronomy professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, disagrees with this assessment.

Sure, he said, humans have an unprecedented ability to control how vegetables and fruits grow. But he believes there are constraints on what will be done. While developing higher-yield crops certainly is important, he said, it’s not the only thing breeders consider.

“There has been a major effort to really concentrate on quality,” he said.

As an example, he cites sweet corn. In addition to tasting sweeter, “modern sweet corns are much more tender.” And, he said, some studies indicate that modern sweet corn has more protein than its ancestors.

“For every bite of a super sweet ear you take you’re getting less calories and more protein,” he said.

As for the reduction of other nutrients in foods, and phytochemicals, Tracy said that’s the exact point of having a balanced diet.

“You don’t need to get every chemical from every food,” he said. “That’s why we talk about having a balanced diet.”

And there is another, more practical argument for modern agriculture. The current mechanized and scaled agricultural system is the only thing that can simultaneously meet the needs of consumers, farmers and retailers, Kevin Moe said.

“It would be great if the American consumer, or the world consumer, ate another pound of sweet corn,” Moe said. “It’s better for them. Better for the grower. Better for the company. Everybody benefits.”

‘If you aren’t getting bigger you’re getting out’

Russ Kehl started farming in 1992. That was a good year to get into the business, he said. Farmers were struggling, selling or renting their land for cheap. He rented. Did well. His business grew. Now, his is one of the larger farms in the Columbia Basin area.

Yet he’s not confident that he could replicate his success.

“It would be really hard to start farming today,” he said.

That’s because the size and sophistication of modern farming has only increased. With increased yields come increased harvests. Larger harvests demand more harvesting machinery, the people to run it and the infrastructure to store and transport the harvest.

That all costs. Those costs drive farmers to plant more acres. The cycle continues.

Kehl, a self-described aggressive farmer, is always looking to rent or buy neighboring land. To expand his own farming footprint.

“I just know every year it gets bigger,” he said of farming. “If you aren’t getting bigger you’re getting out.”

International competition and regulation two familiar challenges to sweet corn industry

| By Eli Francovich

Farmer Catalina Hernandez Calca harvests corn in Patzun, Guatemala, Thursday, Dec 11, 2008. Corn is the main crop in Guatemala. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd) (Associated Press)
Farmer Catalina Hernandez Calca harvests corn in Patzun, Guatemala, Thursday, Dec 11, 2008. Corn is the main crop in Guatemala. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd) (Associated Press)

Like much of American agriculture, the sweet corn industry’s main challenges are centered around international competition and what farmers and others in the agriculture industry call excessive regulation.

Kevin Moe, a seed representative with Syngenta, an international seed agrochemical business, said there is increasing foreign competition in the corn world.

“A lot of these other developing countries, right now they’re doing a lot of things just through brute force,” Moe said.

But in many places that’s changing. Increasing mechanization is allowing those countries to start competing with U.S. farmers.

“As they continue to learn … the technologies and practices we have they will just continue to grow and produce product cheaper than we can,” Moe said.

Moe also worries about changing consumer tastes.

“I really hope the consumer continues to eat more vegetables in the future,” he said.

Both for the health of the buyer and for the health of the industry. He believes that it’s increasingly important for corn processors to invest in blended bags of frozen vegetables – like mixing corn with peas, carrots and rice.

That, he said, could keep the consumer interested in corn.

Another challenge to the sweet corn industry is the ever-changing regulatory landscape, said Gary Ash, the manager of National Frozen Foods’ Moses Lake plant.

Most recently, the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act has challenged corn processors like National Frozen Foods Corp., Ash said.

“This plant produces food that was meant to be cooked,” he said.

But under FSMA the plant must produce corn that’s ready to eat. That change required the plant to institute stricter contamination barriers and procedures and clean the plant more regularly and intensely. Both have cost the plant, and by extension the farmer, money, Ash said.

“The industry really didn’t fathom how hard they would enforce it,” he said of FSMA.

“When they show up,” Ash said of inspectors, “it’s not a good day.”

Those regulations are overkill, he said, because the Moses Lake plant is one of the “premier veggie processing plants in the nation.”

They keep bacterial records and do self-inspections regularly, Ash said.

He isn’t opposed to the spirit of the regulation but does believe it’s gone too far.

President Donald Trump has signaled a willingness to reduce or remove certain agriculture regulations but so far hasn’t touched FSMA.

The history of corn

| By Eli Francovich

A stalk of teosinte. Each kernel has a hard case over it that has to be removed before eating. Modern sweet corn lost the ability to survive in the wild, but gained valuable agricultural traits, such as larger ears of corn, but fewer lower number of ears per plan. (Shutterstock / Shutterstock)
A stalk of teosinte. Each kernel has a hard case over it that has to be removed before eating. Modern sweet corn lost the ability to survive in the wild, but gained valuable agricultural traits, such as larger ears of corn, but fewer lower number of ears per plan. (Shutterstock / Shutterstock)

Corn has a storied and prominent place in human history.

Early farmers first domesticated it 10,000 years ago in what is now Mexico. People began planting and breeding teosinte – the ancestor of modern-day corn.

Teosinte looks nothing like modern corn. A wild grass, the cob is only 19 millimeters long, and the five to 10 kernels are tough, requiring repeated hammering with a hard object to break open. Once open the kernels are dry and taste like raw potato, according to James Kennedy, a chemistry professor in Australia who has studied the plant’s evolution.

For thousands of years farmers started selecting and saving teosinte kernels with desirable qualities: They were sweeter, more tender and grew larger. By 4000 B.C. corncobs were already an inch long.

Modern-day corn is roughly 1,000 times larger than its ancient ancestor. For years the ancestry of corn was unclear. Corn, as modern humans know it, doesn’t grow in the wild. But in the 1930s, George Beadle discovered that teosinte and modern corn’s chromosomes are compatible.

In fact, teosinte can be bred with modern corn varieties to create viable teosinte-corn hybrids.

As more corn was bred by Native American farmers, they noticed that some were sweeter than others.

Sweet corn is the result of a recessive mutation in genes that control the conversion of sugar to starch. Native American tribes introduced it to European conquerors.

More recently, super sweet corn was developed in the early 1950s by a University of Illinois botany professor named John Laughnan.

Laughnan discovered that a certain gene in corn stored less starch but held four to 10 times more sugar.

Today, sweet corn is used throughout the food processing industry and in the fresh food market. Modern super sweet varieties can be as much as 40 percent sugar.

Corn continues to change today, with new varieties being tested regularly by breeders and seed growers. Researchers hope to develop disease- and drought-resistant varieties in addition to other favorable attributes.

Corn is the No. 1 crop grown in the United States, with roughly 15.1 million bushels grown nationwide in 2016. Most of that corn is used in the production of ethanol. In fact, most corn grown in the United States is not directly consumed by people. It’s either used for industrial purposes, turned into high-fructose corn syrup or fed to cattle.

The corn used for those purposes is known as field corn. Unlike sweet corn, field corn is harvested after it’s dried. The kernels are hard and the high starch and low sugar content makes it unappetizing.