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Letters for March 18, 2024

Losing their homes to make way for Expo ’74

In these more woke times, I have been expecting someone else to mention the Chinese people who lost their homes to make room for Expo ’74. It was not that they did not want the Expo, but as I understand it, they were not happy about being forced to leave their homes, which was where the city decided to put the grounds for the Expo. I’m glad that everyone had so much fun at the Expo, but we should remember details like this because how would you like to be asked to vacate your home?

I would like to see the Spokesman interview some of these people or their descendants and put this story or interviews in the paper along with all the other stories about this event.

Brenda VanderWilde

Spokane Valley

Go back to standard majority rules

Articles and letters abound about the failure of the Spokane School District’s recent bond measure. In truth, though, the measure passed by over 54% of the vote. It just didn’t meet the 60% supermajority threshold imposed on such measures in this state. Thirty-nine of the country’s 50 states do not require such a supermajority, nor should Washington. Everyone in a district has an equal chance to vote on a bond measure. If some are too lazy or uninterested in voting, their inactivity should not be counted as a “no” vote. It is like saying that my favorite candidate for office should receive credit for everyone who did not participate in an election.

The school measure is supported by the majority of active voters in Spokane. Their voice should be heard on this and similar measures going forward. It is time to go back to honoring the vote of simple majorities on all measures.

Bob Schatz


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