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Letters for Feb. 19, 2024

Pick up your dog’s mess

Our family is thankful for the foresight of our community leaders to provide incredible places to hike and explore so close to Spokane/Spokane Valley. Dishman Hills, Saltese Flats, Antoine Peak, Spokane Valley Riverfront, James T. Slavin, Mica Peak and Liberty Lake are conservation areas and parks to name a few. Having these places is a privilege for our community to use.

My grievance concerning these areas is the people who don’t pick up their dog’s poop along the entrances and along the well-maintained hiking paths. No matter which conservation area or park that we visit, we are forever having to dodge other people’s dog poop! We love our little pooch, and he loves these hikes as much as we do. And yes, he poops in the entrances and along the hiking trails, too. But there is one big difference, WE PICK UP our dog’s poop! We then either deposit the poop in the waste can provided at the site or pack it home and deposit it in our own garbage can. This way we leave the trail’s beauty for others to enjoy without stepping in our pet’s poop.

Please be respectful of these beautiful areas and the people that use them.

Ken Santora

Spokane Valley

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999 W. Riverside Ave.
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(509) 459-3815

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