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No plan for climate change

For all the climate change deniers, the NASA climate website has facts and evidence showing the exponential rise of CO2 greenhouse gas caused by human activities. Over the last century the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has reduced Earth’s ability to radiate solar energy back into space. The NASA data and facts are what the Trump administration and GOP members of Congress choose to ignore when they don’t fit with their faux news view of reality.

U.S. farmers are being hit with a double whammy - tariffs decimating markets that required many years to develop and the significant impact of changing weather patterns on their crops. A NOAA weather expert said that much of the rain recently falling over Midwestern states originated in the skies over the Gulf of Mexico due to ocean warming.

The climate projection for Northwest farmers forecasts the following: higher temperatures, more frequent and intense heat waves, more drought, more frequent wildfires, warmer winters, winter flooding, and reduced summer flow in river basins fed by snowmelt.

The Grand ‘Ossified’ Party (GOP) clearly doesn’t have a plan to address the impact of climate change to our planet.

Mike McCarty


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