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Beggs will fight for us

Every community hopes for leaders who are people of integrity, highly qualified, and dedicated to the common good; leaders who possess vision and dreams for the community’s future along with the skills and experience to realize them. Breean Beggs offers Spokane the opportunity to have such a person as City Council president.

Breean’s record of accomplishment as a City Council member reflects his commitment to the people of Spokane and the environment in which we live. Among other accomplishments, he has helped establish independent civilian police oversight and he continues to advocate for true independent closing reports by the ombudsman. He led efforts to restore 24/7 shelter services for the homeless, to increase tax relief incentives to build more housing in downtown Spokane, and to increase funding for sidewalk repairs and installations. He passed a water conservation ordinance that saves tens of millions of gallons of water annually to increase Spokane River streamflows and reached an agreement with Avista to provide all of Spokane 100% renewable electricity by 2030.

Breean’s commitment to the well-being of the community precedes his City Council service. As a civil rights attorney, he advocated for one of the community’s most vulnerable members, Otto Zehm. In fighting Otto’s case, Breean secured justice not just for the Zehms, but for everyone. As City Council president, Breean will continue to fight for us with the same passion and zeal.

We are fortunate that a man like Breean Beggs is willing to dedicate his life to our service.

Michael Cain


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999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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