Wiley Miller draws Spokane a special Non Sequitur

As a thank you to The Spokesman-Review readers, Non Sequitur creator Wiley Miller said he would draw a comic specifically for Spokane if the newspaper’s readers voted to bring back his strip.
The vote wasn’t even close. Out of the nearly 1,400 readers who called and emailed us, fewer than 40 didn’t want “Non Sequitur” to return to The Spokesman-Review. The other 98% wanted it back in the newspaper.
True to his word, Miller created a Non Sequitur strip just for our readers.
It also appears to answer questions about Bigfoot’s origins and if our region might have played a role in Sasquatch’s survival. And how to park an Ark on the Spokane River.
Please enjoy this very Spokanized version of Non Sequitur.
The Spokesman-Review readers voted and Non Sequitur will return to the comic pages of the paper on Sunday, Aug. 4.
The day after his comic returns to The Spokesman-Review, Wiley Miller will be a part of a special gathering of our very popular Northwest Passages book club and community forum. VIP attendees get an exclusive poster of these comics. GET TICKETS HERE