Wolf post-recovery plan comments sought by Washington wildlife managers

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has opened a public comment period to gather input on how the department will manage wolves in Washington post-recovery.
Biologists are confident that Washington’s wolf population is on a path to successful recovery. Since 2008, the state’s wolf population has grown an average of 28% per year, according to a news release. WDFW documented a minimum of 126 individuals, 27 packs, and 15 successful breeding pairs during the last annual population survey.
Although likely years away, WDFW is preparing for when wolves are no longer designated as state or federally endangered by developing a post-recovery conservation and management plan. It will guide long-term wolf conservation and management.
That process will include public input and feedback. WDFW will develop the draft Environmental Impact Statement based on feedback, and the public can review and comment on the draft once it is complete.
The public comment period is open from Aug. 1, 2019 through Nov.1, 2019. An online survey is at wdfw.wa.gov/species-habitats/at-risk/species-recovery/gray-wolf/post-recovery-planning.
The public meeting in Spokane will be Sept. 3 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Spokane Community College The Lair Student Center, Building #6, Sasquatch and Bigfoot Room 124 & 124C, 1810 Green St., Spokane.
There will also be a meeting in Colville Sept. 4 from 6 to 8:00 p.m. at the Agriculture & Trade Center, 215 S. Oak St., Colville. And there will be a meeting in Clarkston Sept. 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Quality Inn and Suites, Half Mahogany Room, 700 Port Drive, Clarkston.