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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Brooklyn Bergquist of East Valley High places third for artwork in Observance of Holocaust writing and art contests

From staff reports

The Spokane Community Observance of the Holocaust has announced the top three selections in the high school division of the 13th annual Eva Lassman Memorial Writing and Art Contests. The contest theme is “Speaking Up for ‘the Other’.”

The contest asked participants to learn about the Holocaust and read about or listen to some of the many stories of survivors who were labeled “the other” by the Nazis, and consider these questions:

What are the lessons you learned from their stories that had a major impact on you? Why is it important to speak up for those who are considered “the other”?

Who are “the other” today? Based on the lessons you learned, what are you motivated to do to speak up for them?

If you go

The contest winners will be recognized at the Spokane Community Observance of the Holocaust at 7 p.m. Sunday at Temple Beth Shalom, 1322 E. 30th Ave., on Spokane’s South Hill. The winner of the Creative Writing Contest will read her essay at the Observance. Everyone is invited to attend.

Third place art, high school division

‘Behind the Branches’

By Brooklyn Bergquist

11th grade

East Valley High School

In earlier times the black community began searching for a way to change the condescending attitudes their ancestors lived with. Their endurance has paved a way for a new change within our society. Many African American role models we know today stood up to the discrimination, yet continued to persevere to become the people they are today. Through growth and a push of passion, more and more African Americans spoke out.

Though racism still exists, the black community continues to create positive change in society. Artwork shows bigger ideas. For example, this art piece shows butterflies and how they represent change in America and the change that black communities have worked and dedicated themselves to.

Each butterfly has a color that represents many traits the black community preaches and stands by. Orange represents passion, passion to teach others and change racist stereotypes and slang. Red represents the love for others, no matter their race. White represents hope, hope to fight for society to change the way they view others based on race. Green represents growth, the growth that will increase and continue with the spread of kind words, and educate others of these issues. And purple represents endurance, the endurance to never give up on paving a new future where your race doesn’t define who you are.

Other symbols shown on this piece would be the branches which are a representation the black community’s roots; their ancestors, who endured many hardships as a result of racism. Lastly would be the white roses, a symbol of the innocence children grow up with until society spoils it with hate.

The title of this piece is “Behind the Branches” which is a statement meaning behind their ancestors, is change, endurance, love, passion, growth, and hope.