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Silence on Trump is complicity

I am always curious to watch how far Trump supporters are willing to follow him and his outlandish statements. Apparently his support of Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and the KKK after Charlottesville was not offensive enough to cause most of them to abandon their support of him.

Now, I’ll be curious to see if President Trump’s racist, white-supremacist, elitist comments of yesterday (Jan. 11), when he declared that we do not want immigrants from s***hole countries and that we need more immigrants from countries like Norway, will be enough to cause any of Trump’s “Christian” supporters who profess to believe in loving your neighbor as yourself to finally recognize this president for what he really is: a blatant racist.

Seriously, to Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers and all you other sincere, dedicated, committed Trump supporters, how far are you willing to follow this man? Will you abandon him if he starts promoting public lynchings of blacks, Muslims or Mexicans or sending Jews to crematoriums? When are you going to examine your own consciences enough to separate yourselves from this racist president, like the courageous U.S. ambassador to Panama, John D. Feeley, just did? Silence is complicity.

Wm. Lamont Worden, M.D.


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