Singer, actress Cher endorses Idaho lawmaker for governor

BOISE – Singer and actress Cher has endorsed Democratic state Rep. Paulette Jordan in the race to become Idaho’s next governor.
Cher tweeted Wednesday that she met Jordan at the Las Vegas women’s march and said Idahoans would be well served under Jordan’s leadership.
Cher added Jordan is a thoughtful and intelligent woman.
Jordan drew immense cheers at Sunday’s women’s march when she announced she was running to be not only Idaho’s first female governor, but also the first Native American woman to be governor in any state.
Jordan, 38, of Plummer, is running against A.J. Balukoff, 71, a Boise businessman who ran unopposed in the 2014 Democratic gubernatorial primary.
Idaho voters haven’t swung for a Democratic governor since 1990.
The governor’s seat has attracted a wide range of candidates ever since Gov. Butch Otter announced he wouldn’t seek a fourth term.