She hung a Nazi flag in her antique shop. Now she’s getting death threats.
Shelton shopkeeper Janice Danker said she’s receiving death threats.
The reason?
She accepted an antique German Nazi flag on consignment and hung it near a collection of World War II items in her store.
A few days ago, someone took a photo of the flag at her shop, Games and Needful Things, and posted it on Facebook. Danker said the phone at her antique and secondhand store has been ringing nonstop ever since, and she’s received hundreds of phone calls, emails and social media messages.
Many of the people are angry that a Nazi flag was displayed in and being sold by her shop, saying it’s a symbol of hate.
“They called me a Nazi, racist bigot,” Danker said. “One guy … said he was going to burn my shop down. Another said he was going to come down and put a bullet through my head.”
One Shelton mother said it was upsetting that Danker was getting threats, but she didn’t want to take her children into the shop if the Nazi flag was on display.
“It’s hurtful to people,” Laura, who didn’t want her last name published, told KING-5 News. “You don’t want to walk in and see that. It’s like it hits you in the side of the face.”
Shelton Police detectives contacted Danker after they heard about the threats, but Danker declined to file a formal complaint, said Andy Arnes, a spokesman for the city of Shelton.
Still others have supported of Danker’s choice to sell the Nazi flag. Danker said a World War II veteran told her she should keep it up because a lot of people lost their lives for it.
Another woman told her that her mom lived in Germany during World War II. “She said, ‘People need to not forget, so this never happens again,’ ” Danker said. “She literally begged me to keep this up.”
But it won’t likely stay up. Danker said she was contacted Thursday by someone who wants to pay $375 for it.
She said she plans to continue to carry antique items in her shop, even if they draw criticism.
Over the past 11 years, she said, she’s sold many items that could be found offensive. For example, she’s sold slave shackles that were on consignment. And right now she has a Confederate flag in the shop.
She also has a communion plate.
Danker said she thinks the drama created by the Nazi flag is ridiculous.
“I just think that people need to wake up and realize that these are pieces of history,” Danker said. “And, yes, it was in a bad time of history. But it is part of our history.”