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Time to address climate change

The EPA is proposing to allow oil and gas companies to leak more methane into our atmosphere. This leakage is estimated to amount to 11.1 million metric tons of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas between the years 2019 and 2025 and will continue indefinitely. Oil and gas companies will save $75 million per year due to relaxed standards while taxpayers lose $8.3 million per year in climate benefits.

To limit warming to 1.5˚C, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently recommended greenhouse gas emissions be reduced 45 percent by 2030 and further reduced to net zero emissions by 2050. Additionally the IPCC recommended carbon fees of $200 per ton be charged by 2030 and that carbon fees be increased to $27,000 per ton by 2100.

So while oil and gas companies should be paying society between $200 and $27,000 per ton for their emissions, we will be paying them to endanger our lives. Whatever happened to doing the right thing, for not harming others, being socially responsible and being a good neighbor?

It’s time to stop this nonsense. Please ask your political leaders to take responsibility and address this climate change issue.

Del Nord

Spokane Valley

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