Spokane County needs new library to serve the public
I would like to voice my opinion regarding a new Spokane County Library to serve the central Spokane Valley area. A previous letter stated that our old library is just fine and states that most of us have our own electronics to search the internet and communicate with others. I beg to differ.
Our public funded libraries are meant to serve the public at large and believe me, not everyone has the funds to own a smartphone, a laptop, tablet, etc. Many use the library for job searching, sending out resume’s, self-help, research, you name it. From what I can see, the old library has limited parking, is smaller than what is needed to serve the community, and due to it’s size has fewer computers than needed and limited shelf space for books, not to mention an inconvenient location. A lot of people do not have e-readers and/or prefer a printed book. Not everyone can buy a book or download a book. Free libraries are one of the things that make this country great. And yes, our taxes pay for that free access just as they pay for fire, police, roads, etc. That is what this country was built on. Everyone paying their fair share for the greater good of all. People helping people. We seem to have forgotten that.
We are building a beautiful new City Hall and what could complement that project more than a beautiful park and library right across the street. It would be highly visible, easy to access and the park surrounding it would be very inviting for families to visit after using the Library. The park would be wonderful for the children’s summer ready programs and many other outdoor programs for the entire family.
Libraries today provide much more than books and research. They have children’s programming that is invaluable, adult programs for many interests, summer reading for children. Take the time and check out all of the resources available at www.SCLD.org. You will find numerous scheduled events for all ages. Their publication Engage, will fill you in on what is happening this summer. You can pick it up at the library or read it online at WWW.SCLD.org/Engage.