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Huckleberries: Ralph Waldo Emerson has family ties in Coeur d’Alene

Trustee Christa Hazel of the Coeur d’Alene School Board plays with her new Corgi, Millicent Przemek Hazel. (D.F. Oliveria / The Spokesman-Review)

I was surprised to see Sandy Emerson and his wife, Jeanne, at The Well-Read Moose’s recent celebration of National Poetry Month.

I didn’t realize the former Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce manager was into poetry – that is, until I learned he was a direct descendant of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Yeah, the famous one. But more on that in a minute.

The Emersons sat in the front row listening to Washington Poet Laureate Tod Marshall and longtime Montana poet Roger Dunsmore read their works, as well as poems from “The Bard of Sherman Avenue: Poems by Tom Wobker.” I also read some of Tom’s poems to the audience of 40 to 50 – and recounted stories of my association with him.

Afterward, Sandy told me that Ralph Waldo Emerson was his grandfather. “The famous one?” I responded, amazed. “Yes,” Sandy said with a devilish gleam in his eye. “He was the biggest chicken farmer in west central, Wash.” Seems grandfather “RW” ran the largest chicken and egg-producing farm in the Chehalis, Washington, area. He was mentioned several times in poultry magazines back in the day.

And, yes, he was named after famous 19th-century poet/essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Millicent P. Hazel

Trustee Christa Hazel of the Coeur d‘Alene School Board swung by Huckleberries HQ Friday to introduce the newest Hazel in her household: Millicent Przemek Hazel. The Hazels adopted the Corgi, now 8 weeks old, on Easter. As usual, the new pet received a middle name that begins with P in honor of the paterfamilias, Coeur d’Alene attorney Joel P. Hazel. They already own a border collie named Hooligan P. Hazel. The P in Holligan’s name is appropriate because Hooligan did pee on the carpet at Huckleberries HQ when first introduced a few years back. However, Millie was quite the lady. She relieved herself outside the office. Her middle name, of course, honors the big basketball center who helped lead the Gonzaga Bulldogs to within a dog’s-muzzle whisker of a national championship.


Poet’s Corner: “They pay us good wages/to feel up your granny/in case she’s got A bombs/concealed in her fanny” – a poem titled “TSA” from “The Bard of Sherman Avenue: Poems by Tom Wobker” … Huckleberries was somewhat surprised at the attribution in the Davis Donut readerboard quotation Saturday: “Skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been” – Walter Gretzky. (“The Great One” Wayne Gretzky’s evil twin?)Shoutout: “We are so glad finally they added sloppy Joes to the regular menu at Moon Time. Delicious!” – Huckleberry Friend Carrie Bradford Ward of Coeur d’Alene. This, after she and Councilwoman Kiki Miller ate at Moon Time Thursday. The popular Sherman Avenue restaurant had offered sloppy Joes only as specials before. Now, if the restaurant would bring back shepherd’s pie, all would be glorious.

Parting shot

Since we began this morning by discussing one famous Ralph Waldo Emerson, let’s end with a series of quotes from the other one: “For every minute you remain angry, you give up 60 seconds of peace of mind.” And: “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.” And: “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” Bet you won’t find these in a poultry magazine.

Reach columnist Dave Oliveria at Or find him at Huckleberries Online ( or on Twitter, @HucksOnline.

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