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Grant Porter will now play defense for the Cougars

PULLMAN – The party began in earnest once Washington State’s defensive coaches implored their players to “celebrate with him,” starting a jubilant mosh pit around the cornerback who had recovered his first fumble.

You’ll have to forgive the players for being a little hesistant. They are not used to celebrating when Grant Porter makes a play.

Porter, a redshirt freshman, made the switch from wide receiver to cornerback before Thursday’s practice. He seemed to take to the position, breaking up a short pass and making at least one tackle during the team period.

“We had some depth at receiver and he wasn’t really on the field much,” explained head coach Mike Leach. “Really just wanted to see if he could play there and find a position where he can contribute. He’s got some ability. He’s a guy that needs to play hard all the time and right now, he doesn’t consistently, but hopefully a fresh start over there on defense will help him do that.”