Three cases of mumps confirmed at Whitworth University
Three students at Whitworth University have been diagnosed with mumps, according to a statement on the university’s website.
The first student was diagnosed on Sept. 21, said Spokane Regional Health District spokeswoman Kim Papich. The student had recently returned from an overseas trip. The two students diagnosed this week caught it from the first student, she said. All three students had been immunized against the mumps and are in isolation.
Papich said the university will have to wait to see if more students become ill. “Mumps is just contagious where people are close together like a college campus,” she said.
The university will host a free MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine clinic for students from 2 to 6 p.m. Tuesday in the HUB on campus.
Those with mumps can feel like they have a cold or the flu. Symptoms include facial swelling or pain and tenderness along the jawline and neck along with discomfort while swallowing. Men can feel testicular pain while women can feel pain in the pelvis. Symptoms can appear anywhere from 12 to 25 days after exposure.
Anyone who is concerned they were exposed to mumps and who is experiencing symptoms can call the health district at (509) 324-1442.