Arrests made in assault of “Deadliest Catch” star

The couple accused of assaulting former “Deadliest Catch” television show cast member Jake Harris have been arrested and booked into the Spokane County Jail on suspicion of first-degree robbery.
Jorel M. Fultz, 29, and Amanda R. Ritter, 30, were arrested Tuesday. The Spokane Police Department said they were captured by the Targeted Crimes Unit.
The Everett Police Department reported Harris was found alongside the road in the 700 block of SE Highway 526 around 8 p.m. Saturday. He reportedly told police that he and three other people were in car coming back from a casino in Marysville, Washington, when the man sitting behind him in the car began to beat him. Harris told police he blacked out and woke up next to the road with his wallet and cash missing. He reportedly won cash at the casino.
Harris told police he did not want to go to the hospital but was later taken there by his girlfriend and was admitted for treatment of injuries to his head and neck, police said.
Harris’ brother, Josh, posted several Facebook videos over the weekend naming Fultz and Ritter as the suspects . Everett police have confirmed they will come to Spokane to take custody of the couple.
The Harris family has been featured on “Deadliest Catch” for several years and Josh Harris, captain of the F/V Cornelia Marie, still appears on the show.