Sex: a biological category based upon reproductive functions and organs.
Gender: the state of being male or female as defined by society.
Transgender: a person who expresses a gender identity that doesn’t correspond with their biological sex.
Cisgender: people whose biological sex and gender match.
Genderqueer: A person who doesn’t identify as either male or female, or identifies with a combination of male and female genders.
Gender-nonconforming: An individual who doesn’t match masculine and feminine gender norms.
Pronouns: Some transgender people prefer to go by the gender-neutral pronouns, they, them and theirs.
Transitioned: Transgender people almost always take hormones to help them develop secondary sexual characteristics consistent with their identity. After taking hormones, patients have the option of getting a number of sex reassignment surgeries, however not all transgender people do this.
Passing: A person’s ability to, at a glance, be seen as a cisgender man or woman.
Source: Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Media Reference Guide