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Lies kill people

Planned Parenthood, the staffers working there, and the patients who rely upon them for health care have been done more than an inconvenient disservice with the lies created by a series of dishonest videos. When the lies were exposed, politicians like Carly Fiorina dug in her heels and kept repeating those lies, continuing to inflame the discussion with no concern for the facts.

With all the lies that the Republicans just could not let go of with the panels and investigations that revealed no crime, the ideologues continued to stoke the fires with their rhetoric. Now, we have three dead and several wounded people because once the truth was out about the videos, there are people like Fiorina that are so reality-challenged that they just cannot let go of a lie.

There is that adage that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. We have another adage now, which is people without facts and self-serving, wagging tongues kill people.

David Cannon


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