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Questions for MultiCare

I read with interest the recent article regarding the anticipated purchase of Deaconess Medical Center, Valley Hospital and Rockwood Clinic by MultiCare. While I welcome new ownership, I have reservations regarding whether MultiCare will invest in this new purchase for the benefit of the Spokane area consumers.

The registered nurses working for MultiCare at Tacoma General, represented by Washington State Nurses Association, have been in negotiations for a new contract for nearly a year. MultiCare has engaged in unfair, illegal practices. Currently WSNA has 26 unfair labor practice claims against MultiCare through the National Labor Relations Board, addressing wages, earned bonuses, staffing, rest breaks and more.

Their next negotiations are Dec. 14 and, depending on the outcome, they have an advisory strike vote scheduled for Dec. 16.

The public needs to understand that the primary reason anyone is hospitalized is because he or she needs nursing care. If the RN assigned to provide that care has too many patients, then your health and your life may suffer.

Perhaps we should ask MultiCare if they will pay fair salaries here, and more importantly, will they provide sufficient staffing in the hospitals so nurses can provide care safely?

Susan Glass


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