Delegation sets example
Thanks for calling Congress out for leaving for the longest August break in recent memory without dealing with extremely important business (“Congress skips out on vital business,” July 20). Thanks to Sen. Patty Murray for reaching across the aisle in an attempt to pass Zika legislation. And just before Congress adjourned, the entire Washington delegation signed a letter to the president asking him to continue America’s robust funding of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and malaria.
The Global Fund strengthens health care systems in over 100 countries in our world while saving millions of lives. Congressman Derek Kilmer led on getting this letter signed by all representatives and senators of both parties. Congressman Dave Reichert has also introduced legislation co-sponsored by many of the delegation, including the Reach Every Mother and Child Act and the Education for All Act.
So even though Congress adjourned without solutions to pending problems, we in Washington can be proud of the example our delegation sets.
Willie Dickerson