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The Slice: The Slice: It could be worse

So you’re worried that maybe you are the nightmare Thanksgiving guest people are always complaining about at this time of year.

Well, take heart. You’re probably not all that bad.

Are you a violent criminal? No. So you have that going for you.

Will you steal credit cards while a guest in someone’s home? No, of course not.

Are you capable of not hijacking every conversation with a political rant?

Well, two out of three’s not bad.

Slice answer: “I had to laugh when you asked the question about what your place would be called if you turned it into a B&B,” wrote Cathy Hendryx. “Our small apartment building here in Mullan, Idaho, was built by a school teacher, Olive Dickerson McHugh and her husband, Bernard, allegedly with the proceeds from her book published in 1939.”

That novel was called “Palace of Sin.”

Cathy and her husband, Jim, purchased the building in 1976. They have found no evidence that it was a brothel. But she recognizes the marketing potential of such a story.

“I can well imagine that reservations for a room at the Palace of Sin Bed and Breakfast would be booked well into the future.”

They could give each of the rooms its own name. But enough about that.

Have your answer ready: Area residents who will be traveling a significant distance for the holiday are almost certain to be asked one question.

“How are things in Spokane?”

What would you say? And would you make any reference to Glocca Morra?

Fave Calvin and Hobbes strip: Frank Stockwell, Mary Ann Barney and others said this was one of their favorites.

Calvin: “Know what I pray for?”

Hobbes: “What?”

Calvin: “The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can’t, and the incapacity to tell the difference.”

Hobbes: “You should lead an interesting life.”

Calvin: “Oh, I already do!”

Slice answer: “The downside to being a good listener is that your legs and butt fall asleep,” said a woman whose identity I’m going to keep to myself.

Today’s Slice question: Would you like to be named to the position of “Reader Board Editor” for Spokane area businesses with outdoor signs?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Sandy Tarbox wonders: “How guilty are you feeling about all those tulip and daffodil bulbs that haven’t made it into the ground yet?”

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