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Huckleberries: A ‘War on Christmas’? Not so fast

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’re aware of the plans by attorney Jeremy Morris to erect a ha-huge Christmas display in his new Hayden ’hood. And of the pushback coming from his homeowners association. The association is threatening to sue if he does, alleging he would be in violation of the association’s covenants. Morris claims this is another example of the “War on Christmas.” Others say Morris is at war with his neighborhood.

Huckleberries loves monster outdoor Christmas displays, especially those that come with live animals and Nativity scenes, like Morris’ will.

But Huckleberries also believes the association has a valid complaint. In a Huckleberries Online comment, Sara Meyer of Coeur d’Alene summed up the situation well: “This in no way, shape or form represents the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas is about the peaceful birth of Jesus, loving thy neighbor and coming together as a community. What Jeremy Morris is doing is the exact opposite. There is nothing peaceful or respectful about his behavior.” WWJD?

Xmas playlist

You may know that 3% of Idaho, a group of self-appointed, armed protectors, has offered its services to homeowner Morris. On Thursday, Taylor Viydo of KREM 2 reported that several 3%ers arrived unannounced at Morris’ door to offer to protect his controversial Christmas display. As a result, my Huckleberries Online ( blogs/hbo) readers conjured a playlist of Christmas tunes for the 3%ers if/when they guard Morris’ light show: “O Come All Ye Shotguns,” “Glockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” “The Little Gunner Boy,” “Strafe the Halls (with rounds of gunfire),” “Armaments We Have Heard on High,” “Grandma Got Shot Down by an Uzi,” “Good King Winchester,” “I’ll Be Home for Target Practice,” and “Little Town of Bethmayhem.”

Nothing says “Peace on Earth, good will toward man” like a warm gun.


Poet’s Corner two-fer: “Two things this month/for which we’ll pay:/Black Friday and/Election Day” – The Bard of Sherman Avenue (“November”) … And: ’Twas dark as sin at half past four/as he stood watching from the door/and vowed to pen a little rhyme/of his disgust with Standard Time” – The Bard of Sherman Avenue (“A Time Change Afternoon”) … On Wednesday former sports columnist T.J. Simers, 63, won a $7.1 million age and disability suit against the LA Times. Which means something only to old-timers in the Inland Northwest. S-R columnist Doug Clark replaced Simers as sports editor of the Coeur d’Alene Press in the mid-1970s … Poll: On the day before the election, 59 percent of my blog readers said the nasty, last-minute attack ads against Coeur d’Alene City Council candidate Dan English and incumbent Ron Edinger wouldn’t work. They were right. Edinger stomped his opponent with 67 percent of the vote. English attracted 56 percent to win a three-way race.

Parting shot

Coeur d’Alene may lose a fine police spokeswoman when Sgt. Christie Wood retires from the department Dec. 16. But the city will get a louder voice for human rights and education. As police spokeswoman, Wood was limited somewhat in sharing her views publicly. Now, she won’t be. Wood serves as president of the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and chairwoman of the North Idaho College Board of Trustees. Here’s wishin’/hopin’/prayin’ that Wood will consider higher office in the future. “State Senator Wood” has a nice ring to it.

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