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The Slice: Key ingredients for a good debate

How has your family dealt with the fact that not everyone agrees about the proper role of onions, mustard, vinegar, eggs, pickles and hot peppers in potato salad?

To say nothing of the tension that can arise over potato consistency: Chunks vs. mashed.

Or “This is the way my mother made it” vs. “Well, this is how we had it when I was growing up.”

Or “This happens to be classic Spokane-style potato salad” vs. “You are full of something and it’s not spuds.”

Or “Do you think it might be possible for us to have a food serving that does not include bacon?”

Please share the story of how you arrived at potato salad peace accords. Did you settle on one style or have you adopted a “chef’s choice” approach?

I’ll write the first line, you can write the second: “Twas the night before June and all through the house …”

I won’t be answering the phone at my desk today, so feel free to go ahead and sing it.

Slice science report: Are you one of those people mosquitoes single out for attention? You know, even when there are lots of others around?

Well, maybe you have heard it has something to do with diet, body chemistry or particular hygiene products. That could be.

But it says here the real reason mosquitoes go for you is you are simply naturally sweet.

Warm-up questions: What Spokane area church gets hottest in summertime? Is your driving less safe on days when you wake up with a painfully stiff neck? If you could have a do-over on fishing with night crawlers back in the day, would you take it? If you are someone who has been known to check out a yard sale or two, how do you decide which ones to investigate and which ones to skip? When will lake water temperature be survivable? Do you know the difference between crows and ravens? Wasps and yellow jackets?

Today’s Slice question: With what fluid that was not water did you once fill a squirt gun? What were the consequences?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Phil Rose, a Marmot Lodge member in Seattle, said he has enjoyed every one of the fraternal order’s nonmeetings and nonevents. I promised him there would be many more.

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