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Meyer for Bayview board

Sharon Meyer is running for a board position in the first election ever for the Bayview Water and Sewer District board.

Imagine a public utility raising prices 90 percent, and no one in the small town knowing until it is too late. Imagine asking for information and being told to fill out a Freedom of Information Act form. Yep, that’s our Bayview Water & Sewer District. It reminds me of “The Da Vinci Code’s” Priory of Sion secret society.

Meyer has been a member of the Bayview Water and Sewer district for the past 37 years. She has served as secretary for several years for the Cape Horn Water Users Association, where she gained knowledge about how such a community water system works, and what is expected of those who serve at the head of it.

Her professional experience in business education, records management and customer service covers 40-plus years. She has been attending Bayview District meetings on and off for three years now and knows firsthand that change is needed.

Vote for regular treasury reports, timely audits, customer service, a newsletter or website and transparency. It’s time for a public utility to serve the public.

Connie Hammell

Bayview, Idaho

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