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War means profits

So Republicans wrote a letter to Iran telling them that no matter what peacenik agreements President Obama makes, they will be instantly negated when a Republican gets elected in 2016.

Republicans like war. That’s where the money is. It is the perfect way to extract dough out of American taxpayer wallets to finance actions that can be monetarily translated into payouts to the massive military-industrial complex, which includes a huge infrastructure of military contractors such as Halliburton.

You know, those contractors who helped poison the Iraqi well by shooting civilians and running people off roads, overcharging U.S. taxpayers to allegedly do stuff we were already paying the U.S. military for, and then providing substandard body armor and inedible rations to our soldiers. Yeah, those guys.

If you are a particular kind of congressman, some of that filthy lucre migrates right back to you in the form of re-election dollars, and we all know the lives of elected representatives revolve around funding, not legislation.

When American congressmen want another war in the Middle East, even as the revolting stench of Iraq still fills their nostrils, something else is going on. And that something is money.

Nancy Runyan

Spokane Valley

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