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Library bond a smart vote

Educational attainment is a significant factor in improving the overall health of a community. For instance, Priority Spokane has set a goal of reducing the dropout rate in our schools, and has had good success. The upcoming library bond is another critical step in improving access to knowledge in our community.

The Spokane County Library District offers many opportunities to advance our knowledge and level of education. I use many of their resources, such as Wi-Fi for Internet, checking out books, music, cultural and historical presentations and readings, magazines that I otherwise wouldn’t subscribe to individually, and the use of many resources online when I am not able to visit the library on site.

The bond will improve high quality educational support for early childhood literacy, homework assistance and tutors for K-12 students, and a new support system for business development, job skills and training, and community meeting space.

Please vote in the upcoming Spokane Valley 2015 library bond election.

Keith Baldwin


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