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The Slice: Bad guys everywhere, no one seems to care

Paul Turner is taking some time off this summer. In his absence, we’re diving into the archives at Slice Central. Today, we revisit July 24, 2010.

Let’s take The Monkees’ “Pleasant Valley Sunday” and turn it into “Spokane Valley Sunday.”

But instead of asking Carole King to rewrite that 1967 summertime classic, let’s dip into this newspaper’s archives. We can use as lyrics sentences in news stories that include the exact wording “Spokane Valley Sunday.” Then we can tack on lines from the original song.

As it happens, “Spokane Valley Sunday” seems to show up mostly in preincorporation crime reports.

No matter. Everybody sing!

A Spokane woman was arrested in the Spokane Valley Sunday after the car she was driving turned out to be stolen.

Charcoal burning everywhere.

Three people were arrested in the Spokane Valley Sunday for allegedly switching price tags on merchandise to get money.

Rows of houses that are all the same.

Sheriff’s deputies crashed a party in the Spokane Valley Sunday morning when the revelers allegedly thumbed their noses at the officers.

And no one seems to care.

A Spokane Valley man was pinned in his Jeep Cherokee for more than an hour in the Spokane Valley Sunday night after another driver ran a stop sign and slammed into him.

Here in status symbol land.

A checkbook and credit cards reported stolen last week were found during a traffic stop in the Spokane Valley Sunday.

Mr. Green he’s so serene, he’s got a TV in every room.

A fire caused by a cigarette destroyed a small house and garage in the Spokane Valley Sunday.

Mothers complain about how hard life is.

Two teenagers led the Washington State Patrol and the Spokane Sheriff’s Department on a high-speed chase through the Spokane Valley Sunday morning.

And the kids just don’t understand.

Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 40-year-old man after an early morning car chase in the Spokane Valley Sunday.

I need a change of scenery.

Today’s Slice question: If you looked right now, what would you find behind and under your couch cushions?

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