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The Slice: Sadly, we’re a little light on fireflies

Paul Turner is taking some time off this summer. In his absence, we dive into the archives at Slice Central. Today, we revisit July 9, 2009.

It’s not that Inland Northwest kids are deprived.

Summers can be great for children here.

But it’s too bad we don’t have fireflies (aka lightning bugs).

So if you have lived in a region that is home to these quietly amazing insects, it’s your duty to tell children about them. Of course, they might not believe you.

“A luminescent beetle that flies around in the dark and flashes a light on and off like a little lantern? Riiiight.”

Just wondering: Who has been listed on the same dating site the longest?

Defining our terms: Greg Baker has come up with a new word, “Spokamnesia.”

Now it’s up to you to decide what it means.

Things people miss: “I moved from Spokane to the Atlanta area over 20 years ago and believe it or not, I miss the winters,” wrote Mark Perry, an aerospace engineer in the Peach State.

He also misses light traffic and low humidity.

Spokane Valley’s Cara Roush has been asked to transport Zip’s tartar sauce and Longhorn BBQ sauce to her sister Heidi in Las Vegas. “Now if we can only find a way to bottle the Centennial Trail.”

The crime people might commit if they knew they would get away with it : Several readers mentioned dispensing frontier justice in cases where children or animals had been abused.

Feedback: Several readers suggested that a high percentage of people around here would have sided with the British loyalists in 1776.

And I am now able to report that more than one Spokane area resident could be perfectly content without hot weather.

Warm-up question: What was your favorite book as a child?

Today’s Slice question: Who around here has had the most bikes stolen?

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