Regional marijuana meeting pursued
As Valley moves toward a moratorium, citizen wants consistent laws
As the Spokane Valley City Council moved its proposed marijuana moratorium on to a second reading without much commotion or public testimony, Tara Harrison listened from the back of the room.
Harrison works at the Herbal Connection in the Garland District and she’s been at many Spokane Valley City Council meetings when marijuana was on the agenda.
On Tuesday evening, Harrison didn’t get up to speak in front of the council, but she has an idea for the Valley City Council.
“I don’t understand why the municipalities here don’t work together more on regulations,” Harrison said after the meeting.
She would like to bring representatives from all the municipalities in Spokane County together for a meeting and panel discussion featuring speakers from the Coalition for Cannabis Standards and Ethics.
CCSE is a nonprofit organization that works for safe and compliant access to medical marijuana for qualifying patients. Harrison was at a CCSE-sponsored symposium in SeaTac, Washington, recently, and that’s where she got the idea to try to bring a similar event to the Spokane area.
“We are all for regulation and safe access,” Harrison said. “Our clients are not the kids.”
Several Spokane Valley council members have concerns that legal access to medical marijuana also makes it more easily available to youth.
Council member Chuck Haefner said he is planning a meeting with high school principals, health officials and law enforcement to explore the level of marijuana use in Spokane Valley schools as soon as possible.
Harrison said most customers at the Herbal Connection are 50 or older, and many come there as a last resort, often seeking pain relief.
Harrison said she completely understands why Spokane Valley is adopting a moratorium. She’s hoping to organize the cannabis symposium in Spokane in May or June, and she will invite the Spokane Valley City Council.
“We will answer every question they have, and we will do so professionally,” Harrison said. “I hope they will come.”
Just like the Spokane Valley council, Harrison is watching the state Legislature and the different marijuana bills legislators will be voting on in this session.
“I am not sure what’s going to happen,” Harrison said. “It just seems like we should do something.”