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Avista execs should help

The recent windstorm resulted in a large number of households losing not only power, but also food in their refrigerator and freezer. This places an undue burden on many Spokane families during this holiday season.

While Avista can’t be blamed for the storm, there is something Avista executives can do to lessen this burden. In 2014, according to the Avista’s financial documents, the base salary for the five top executives averaged $425,000. But their stock awards, options, bonuses and other additional compensation totaled just under $9.8 million.

To “share the pain” caused by this storm, they should forgo all bonuses and additional compensation for 2015. Instead, provide a credit to the approximately 150,000 households that lost power for over 48 hours. This would result in a credit of $65 per household. While this may not seem to be much, for many families it will be the difference between choosing between replacing spoiled food or forgoing Christmas presents.

Surely these Avista executives can survive for one year on a paltry salary of only $425,000. Instead, they will undoubtedly keep their bonuses as they file for another rate increase to pay for the storm damages.

Gary Klingsporn


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