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City stepping up

I want to thank the city of Spokane for the many dedicated hours city staff spent to get us through the wind storm situation. I know most of the focus was on Avista, but the city rose to the occasion. Thank you.

I also want to give a shout-out to the mayor and the city council. They recently passed a budget that was historic in a way not mentioned. Spokane is unique in that a focus on neighborhoods is consecrated in the city charter. The city of Spokane has eight neighborhoods (Do you know yours? Check the city website.) and representatives of each neighborhood come together once a month in the Community Assembly.

In this budget, for the first time, the city council and the mayor provided for funding that will allow the neighborhoods to reach out to you, the citizens. This is a huge first step in strengthening our neighborhoods. Thank you.

Please join your neighborhood council and get active; your government needs your voice. It is the neighborhoods that create farmer’s markets, put on concerts and who can now (thank you, Ben Stuckart) be a strong voice for residents in local changes and projects.

Kathryn Alexander


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999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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