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Support Overnight Delivery Act
As a consumer, I hate it when I get duped. Businesses have fooled consumers the last few years by holding the line on prices while providing less of the product.
The U.S. Postal Service has jumped on the bandwagon. On Jan. 5, it reduced service standards by eliminating a shift in mail processing across the country. You may ask what that means. Well, mail sits at a processing plant for eight hours or more, which means all that mail does not get sorted for the delivery until the following day.
Maybe you have noticed letters taking three and four days for delivery. Mail that travels across the country takes five to seven days. If you have a bill due in five to seven days, you risk a late fee. That is not service. Considering how much technology has improved communication, this is not the time to stifle mail service.
Just like the other businesses, the USPS didn’t bother to advise customers of the change. Even though the decision to cut service wasn’t made at the local level, you should be mad nonetheless. This affects everyone.
Fortunately, there is legislation at the federal level to correct this blunder. HR 784, the Overnight Delivery Act, seeks to return USPS service standards to previous levels. Call your representative and ask them to support this bill.
Mike Rapp