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Musical was too tame

I saw “The Book of Mormon.” Having been exposed to popular culture by having children, I’m somewhat familiar with the excellent and biting social satire that is “South Park.” Its authors expose and make hilarious our social mores, and make us laugh at ourselves, which is a very healthy thing. In today’s world, when we feel as if we are not depressed and anxious, we must not be paying attention, it is necessary to laugh at oneself.

So, I thought “The Book” very tame after my prior exposure to “South Park’s” antics, and was mildly disappointed (I didn’t pay for the tickets). Some words were salacious and juvenile. I expected better. There is so much to make fun of within religion as a whole; what happened?

Take off the silk gloves, and strike out full-on, don’t hold back, go ahead and offend somebody in the name of the truth, not commercialism, and then you’d have a good show, by golly, blasphemy or no.

Sally Hetland


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