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The Slice: What kind of audience would Spokane be?

If you are of a certain age, you might recall how Jackie Gleason would wrap up one 1960s version of his TV variety show.

He would bellow, “Miami Beach audiences are the greatest audiences in the world!”

Well, what would one say about Spokane audiences? You tell me and you might win yourself a coveted reporter’s notebook.

Spokane audiences are the (fill in the blank) audiences in the world!

Just wondering: Who is Spokane’s Johnny Appleseed of earworms?

This is just the coolest thing: Is there anyone who wouldn’t like to receive a friendly letter from Scotland that had been typed on an old-fashioned typewriter? I doubt it.

A colleague of mine who stays in touch via Facebook with a friend from their Mead High School days received just such an offer. My co-worker’s pal lives near Dumfries, Scotland. That woman and her partner own some vintage manual typewriters.

“Timberlake brought sexy back,” she wrote. “I’m bringing click-clack back.”

The Slice request line is open: “I’ve been waiting and waiting,” wrote Judy Pederson. “But in all the responses concerning single bathroom experiences, not one single story about outhouse memories. I bet you’d be surprised at the number of great stories out there.”

Following up: I have heard from quite a few readers who claim to have connections to the South. They contend that the rules for the proper use of “y’all” are more complex than I suggested the other day.

Of course, I also heard from readers who said I was exactly right in saying that you don’t address one person that way.

So there you go. Y’all can sort that out on your own. I’m moving on.

This didn’t tell me anything about Slice audience demographics that I didn’t already know: But most responding readers said they attend more funerals than weddings.

Tim Wink recently had two funerals to attend that were scheduled at the exact same time.

Today’s Slice question: In the Inland Northwest, what is the most popular setting for family portrait photos?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Share your story of the time you made a whole lot of people angry even though you were in the right.

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