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Need fuel and jobs

Richard Wesson (Feb. 1) doesn’t think President Barack Obama should approve the Keystone XL pipeline because it will contribute to global warming. He wants to know what is the hurry. The hurry is it has been going on for years with President Obama catering to the environmentalists on the left. Canada deserves an answer. My question: How is not approving the Keystone pipeline going to cut down on global warming?

Not building the pipeline isn’t going to keep Canada from developing their oil reserves no matter what we do, so his argument is pointless. The oil will be developed and sent even if it is not through the pipeline.

Last week, the State Department said it will have little effect on climate. There is a big world out there. Maybe Wesson should be working with India and China on their environmental issues instead of wanting us to adhere to theories they don’t. We need fossil fuels and the jobs. It’s a fact.

Greg Schuster


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