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Torture just one CIA abuse

Much of the news lately has been about the “Torture Report” and the role of the CIA in its operation. It was unbelievable; the inhuman methods used to treat prisoners. The net result of this torture was not a lot of useful information. Many Americans, I believe, would agree that this isn’t the way we want our country to act. Also, is this the impression it gives other countries as to our values?

As inhumane as these methods were to the prisoners, it was only the surface to what the CIA has done in the past. The CIA has influenced many other countries, and the number of those tortured or killed from this goes up into the hundreds of thousands.

One case of many was the CIA’s involvement beginning in 1970 with the overthrow of the elected Chilean President Salvador Allende. They did this through instigating a coup that installed the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. His repression called the Caravan of Death resulted in the death of thousands and torturing tens of thousands. This account is a sordid story and approval went for it went all the way to the White House. Check out the details on Wikipedia. Unbelievable.

Don Carlton


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