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Stevens County turns blind eye

In response to The Spokesman-Review’s Feb. 21 story “Dogs rescued from ‘wretched’ conditions in Stevens County”:

We saw garbage and filth everywhere, as the occupants threw their garbage on the property, tethered dogs that died, with no septic, no outhouse, no running water or electricity in 2014. Even though it is against the law in Stevens County not to have a septic system, and to abandon animals, it goes unprosecuted.

This incident was not an isolated one in Stevens County. There is a long history of this type of behavior going unprosecuted. Commissioner Don Dashiell said in the Jan. 27 Spokesman-Review that citizens “handle it themselves.” Twelve dogs died.

Stevens County has zero animal laws. We have state laws that are loosely interpreted. When voting, remember what happens to animals in Stevens County year after year, as well as incapacitated adults.

The county, the Tri-County Health Department, the sheriff, fire department, the ambulance services, delivery persons and adult protective services must stop turning a blind eye. This insane practice of see no evil, hear no evil turns into doing evil by doing nothing.

It is time to demand services in Stevens County.

Ken Holm

Nine Mile Falls

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