Restore salmon runs
For years, we have read articles about restoring salmon runs to the Columbia River above Grand Coulee Dam up into Canada. All the money they have spent on fish studies since they built the dams in the 1930s could have fixed a lot of the problems. Millions have been spent on trying to come up with a good plan to restore the salmon runs, but little is done to fix the problem.
I think it is time to get with all parties involved to get it done. The Columbia River Treaty between the Northwest states and 16 Indian tribes is up for renegotiation early next year. I hope they can come up with a plan and get started on fixing the problem right away.
I have fished Lake Roosevelt for many years, and I and thousands of other sportsmen, fishing guides and tribal members spend more than $3 billion yearly for sport fishing and would welcome a plan to fix this. The chinook salmon before the dams were called June Hogs and some weighed as much as 80 pounds.
Imagine fishing the northern Columbia River for such wonderful sport fish.
Terry Pierce