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I-522 is for real people

Those who will tell you to vote against Initiative 522 are large chemical corporations with home offices outside of Washington. While those who support a yes vote on I-522 are your family members, friends and neighbors, people who live and work and raise their children in Washington.

The question you have to ask yourself before casting your vote is, “Who do I trust?” The truth is these large corporations are only concerned about their profits, while your family and friends have a genuine interest in your well-being.

Take a look at the few supporters who are paying millions of dollars and hiring top public relations professionals in an effort to deceive the citizens of Washington and influence you to vote their way. The list includes Monsanto, DuPont Pioneer, Bayer Cropscience, Dow Agroscience and the Grocery Manufacturers Association.

Do you feel these corporations actually have any interest in your family’s personal life or security? The truth is, these large corporations are only concerned that Washington residents will choose to purchase products that don’t support their business.

Don’t let their millions of dollars control the way you think. Join the real people of Washington and vote yes on I-522.

Kim Knerl


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