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The Slice: Seasoned leaf collectors have strategy in the bag

Following up on Sunday’s Slice, here are a few reasons some Spokane-area residents start raking before all the leaves have fallen.

“So I don’t have to spend all day cleaning them up when they are all down,” wrote Tim Shauvin. “Plus I am retired so it keeps me out of the bar, at least until noon anyway.”

Irene Collins said getting an early start has to do with the reality of an 80-year-old’s stamina. “Daily short sessions instead of all-day efforts.”

“If we waited until all the leaves fell, we would not be able to fit all of them into our yard waste bin,” wrote Bari Cordia Federspiel.

Jay Dudley said he starts early because he uses leaves for mulch in his garden and flower beds.

“One reason is being considerate of your downwind neighbors by cleaning up leaves from your trees on a regular basis and not waiting for 50 mph winds to redistribute them throughout the neighborhood,” said Jerry Ward.

Tomas Kelley Lynch put it this way. “There are some of us who see raking leaves as an activity, not a loathsome task.”

Gary W. Smith said he takes care of the leaves with his mower. “This works best in stages.”

Donald Schaefer said waiting too long can leave you with a sodden mess. “Raking soggy leaves on lawns in the spring is less appealing than prophylactic raking in the fall.”

Marie Duncan seconded the motion. “If I wait until the last leaf is down, they get rained on or snowed on and then it’s an impossible task.”

Terry Kolemaine said there was another advantage to getting an early start. “It makes the neighbors feel guilty.”

Remembering dogs after accidentally dropping a scoop of ice cream on the kitchen floor: “Shawn was the name of our long-gone Irish setter who eagerly helped clean up spills on the kitchen floor,” wrote Eileen Hyatt. “He was especially appreciated because of the orange and gold kitchen carpeting so popular in the ’70s. For 13 years he was a loyal pal of my son Jeff.”

Today’s Slice question: Do you keep an official trick-or-treat headcount or just estimate at the end of the night?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Earlier this week, Dee Hargitt found a well-hidden Easter egg in a church basement.

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