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Fairchild scare getting old

Al French and the base commander have a plan to save Fairchild Air Force Base from possible closure: Proposition 1, where every Spokane County property owner will pay extra taxes to buy an insurance policy to keep the base open.

Airway Heights has about 188 mobile homes that house mostly retired, fixed-income families who have lived there for many years without being noticed as a threat to the base, but today they are. The Spokane Indian Tribe plans to build a casino, and now they are a threat to FAFB. Maybe this situation is being inflated for other reasons?

When both the KC-135 and the B-52 accidents happened, the air crews had permission to develop a spectacular fly-by for aerospace days. Those crashes cost air crew lives and both aircraft were total losses. This happened on base.

Our elected officials were very positive that FAFB would be the first base selected to receive the new KC-46A tankers, but it wasn’t meant to be.

The last newspaper article on this subject rumored that it could have been the mobile homes. Really? Let the feds fund this project if it’s so important.

Vote no on Prop. 1.

Kenneth Delanoy


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