Reader’s letter: No respect for outdoors
So, you stole my trail camera in the Clarkia, Idaho, area.
Hunters used to respect other hunters.
They didn’t go into an area where other hunters were hunting. They didn’t ransack hunting camps and steal what wasn’t theirs. They didn’t trash the land and leave it worse than they found it.
I grew up in Idaho and have been hunting for over 45 years. My dad taught my brother and me the rules of the outdoors, which we’ve always respected.
So you stole my trail camera, a gift from someone who worked and earned the money to buy it as a gift. My wife and I looked forward to the pictures it would capture, such as moose, deer, elk, coyotes, bears, etc. But now it’s gone, you stole it.
I hope when you go to use it and your hunting partner, be it your dad, brother or even your son, asks “nice trail camera, where’d you get it?” Look them straight in the eye and say “I stole it from a man named …”
Jeff Turpin
Spokane, WA