What, boomers worry? Forget about it!
The older you are, the less you worry. That’s one advantage to aging.
We all calm down. Or most of us anyway.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a graphic recently that analyzed who feels most worried, nervous or anxious in our culture.
Women of all ages worry more than men. But both men and women older than 65 worry much less than their younger counterparts. A National Institute of Mental Health report uncovered similar statistics. And the agency also reported that 18 percent of the population suffers from an anxiety disorder, ranging from mild to debilitating.
Anxiety disorders include phobias, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Average age of onset: 11.
The CDC did not analyze why older people mellow out, but perhaps they have gotten medication and/or counseling, or maybe they acquired some coping mechanisms through the years, or they have survived so much in their long lives that they know this too shall pass, all shall be well.