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The Slice: Summer in the ‘University’ City?

Here’s how you can win a coveted reporter’s notebook.

Localize one of the following seasonal song titles by either replacing a word or inserting an extra word.

“Summer in the City,” “Boys of Summer,” “Summer Breeze,” “Summer Wind,” “School’s Out for Summer,” “All Summer Long,” “Hot Fun in the Summertime,” “Summertime Blues,” “In the Summertime,” “Wonderful Summer,” “Theme from ‘A Summer Place,’ ” “Summer Rain” and “Summer Song.”

Good luck. There will be multiple winners. The entry deadline is noon Monday.

Today’s Slice question: Wearing a helmet while bicycle commuting can make your hair look like… A) You have taken the liberty of arriving at work half-drunk. B) You’ve been ’rasslin. C) You got a perm that went sour. D) You just got out of bed. E) You are wearing a discount-bin wig. F) Something is nesting in there. G) You neglected to employ a focus group when selecting your new look. H) Yours is what is known as a mountain family. I) There are things worse than baldness. J) You aspire to be nicknamed Festus, Skeeter or Cooter. K) You are a nonconformist. L) Your role models are those NFL analysts who seem to shape their hair with 1960s gelatin molds. M) You engaged in some form of vigorous burrowing before arriving at the office. N) You have given up on attracting the favorable notice of that certain person in accounts receivable. O) It was a mistake to stop wearing a buff under your helmet just because the weather warmed up. P) It would take way more than a little dab to do ya. Q) You were struck by lightning on your way to work. R) You were under the mistaken impression that it’s Dress Like a Sharecropper Day at work. S) The intervention did not take. T) You are a rebel. U) You generously decided to offer your coif as a workplace conversation piece. V) You have this pent-up yearning to be called Wild Man Johnson or Buffalo Wallow Woman. W) You are unaware of these things called mirrors. X) When you heard Fleetwood Mac sing “You can go your own way” you took them a tad too seriously. Y) The voice of your generation, you are at the forefront of a bold new musical genre. Z) Other.

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Who would you want as a guest on your podcast?

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