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The Slice: Reuniting and it feels so good

Most responding readers said the advice they would give someone thinking about organizing a family reunion is “Don’t.”

But Ellen Martin Bernardo had a different take. “What are you waiting for? Do it! Leave childhood disappointments at home and embrace your family with open arms.”

Re: What I should have said to the little kid across the street who asked me if I was a stranger: “Stranger than what?” — Georgie Ann Weatherby

“No, I am the strangest.” — Will Wohlfeil

“Stranger than most.” —Debbie Burkett

“Not really, this is my third trip to your planet.” — Ron Miles

Re: What you would have said to that panhandler wanting $10 for a “bag of weed”: Tomas Lynch, Steve Warn, Tim Crabb and others suggested they would have asked him where one might still obtain a bag of pot for $10.

Not-so universal experiences: Gerald Ray has never been to Mount Spokane or Priest Lake.

Paul Mackey has never had tartar sauce with his fries.

Lynn Hayden hasn’t rafted on the Spokane or Little Spokane rivers.

Nadine Joubert said she has never eaten with a man who kept his hat on during dinner.

Gary Polser has never been snowmobiling.

And Janet Culbertson has never been fly-fishing, but she plans to remedy that.

Brand loyalty: Tom Hilliard started wearing Levi button fly jeans when he was in the sixth grade. That was 55 years ago. He still wears them. A new pair can be hard to button up at first. But he has had a lot of practice.

Tammy Reed wrote, “At 49, I am still a Levi 501 button fly girl.”

But she said they stopped making the version for women. Still, wearing anything else makes her feel like a traitor.

Odds and ends: Joyce Atkinson, Paul McNabb, Dave Knowles and others expressed disdain for “went missing.”

Mike Storms said the worst coffee he encountered was in the Army.

And several readers recalled fashioning glowing “jewelry” out of lightning bugs.

Today’s Slice question: What’s the bravest thing you’ve done?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email The resident tarantula in Mrs. Ritchey’s kindergarten classroom at Franklin Elementary School is named Emily.

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