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The Slice: The right-of-way and the wrong way
Why do so many Spokane motorists seek to inappropriately yield the right-of-way to bicyclists?
You tell me. A) They are just trying to be nice. B) They regard all cyclists as erratic and unpredictable and don’t want to take any chances. C) They want to silently emphasize what a pain it is to have people on bikes sharing the road. D) Drivers are honestly confused about what they are supposed to do.
E) It gives them a chance to harrumph. F) It is a control thing. G) They have a paternalistic attitude about cyclists. H) They simply do not know the law.
I) They assume cyclists don’t know the law. J) They like gesturing. K) They assume that cyclists wear helmets because of previous head injuries. L) The driver in question is drunk. M) Other.
Light show: “I’ve lived in Spokane my whole life (68 years),” wrote Mary Johnson. “Five years ago we went to a family reunion and stopped in Valley City, N.D., (that’s over next to Minnesota) to see relatives. After dinner we were sitting outside and much to my amazement the yard lit up. I truly believed fireflies were a myth of literature or technology of TV. Boy, was I shocked and delighted.”
(Check Monday’s Slice for a different sort of lightning bugs story.)
For those who work in offices where there are stuffed animals at multiple work stations: Which bear, moose or bunny is in charge after all the humans have gone home?
Slice answer: If Spokane had its own Lady Godiva, Larry Totten suggested former Mayor Mary Verner would be perfect for the role.
Life in Spokane: On the weeks when garbage pick-up is delayed a day due to a holiday, Jeri Hershberger strategizes. “I calculate how much more I can get in there. Then, the following week, I know I have extra room … it’s a science.”
Today’s Slice question: Does it seem to you that those who design drive-thru restaurant windows, library drop-off boxes, motor-lane banking tubes, et cetera, have decided that everyone drives an XL vehicle in which the driver sits way up high?