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Library function is vital

The Neighborhoods Matter Governance Council urges voters in the city of Spokane to vote yes on Proposition 3. Neighborhoods Matter is a community-based program working to improve outcomes for children and families.

The library system serves an important function in our entire community. Specifically in East Central, the East Side branch serves as a safe haven for children, an information portal for job seekers, a social outlet for seniors, and an educational resource for everyone. Over the last few budget cycles, library services, including hours of operation, community programming and educational materials have diminished. Bit by bit, East Central and other communities in Spokane have been losing a valuable service that supports the well-being of our children and families.

It has been said that “a mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Thus, we have to invest in community infrastructure like the library to ensure that this does not happen. We see dedicated funding specifically to the library system as a proactive use of funds to promote education that contributes to lifelong success.

Agnes Broncheau


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