Cost of ‘12 Days of Christmas’ items
PITTSBURGH (AP) — Prices of items in the Christmas carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” according to PNC Wealth Management:
— Partridge, $15; last year: same
— Pear tree, $189.99; last year: 169.99
— Two turtle doves, $125; last year: same
— Three French hens, $165; last year: $150
— Four calling birds (canaries), $519.96; last year: same
— Five gold rings, $750; last year: $645
— Six geese a-laying, $210; last year: $162
— Seven swans a-swimming, $7,000; last year: $6,300
— Eight maids a-milking, $58; last year: same
— Nine ladies dancing (per performance), $6,294; last year: same
— 10 lords a-leaping (per performance), $4,767; last year: same
— 11 pipers piping (per performance), $2,562; last year: $2,428
— 12 drummers drumming (per performance), $2,776; last year: $2,630